Searcy Studios
Photos by Clint Searcy.
I am a photographer and visual artist in West Nashville Tennessee. My work ranges from pop art to fashion runway and editorial.
Things that are often overlooked contain detail, beauty and meaning. It is my aspiration to use my photography to show people, places and things in a way that makes people stop and consider what they might otherwise ignore. Sometimes I achieve this by simply looking for a new or unique angle to shoot the subject from. Other times I indulge in extensive image-manipulation using post-production software.
My creative process is rather chaotic. Most of the time I just show up at a location with a camera and a very loose plan and see where the day takes me. The real decisions get made when I see the images on a full screen for the first time. It’s common for me to exaggerate color or light in an effort to recast an ordinary subject in a new light. My hope is that the resulting image will cause people to notice what they only saw before.
My earliest digital photography was all fashion runway work. This is a style that is judged on its strict accuracy. You are there to do a job and record things as they were presented , as they happened. My current work reflects a desire to break free of rules and refine a more interpretive vision. Exaggeration as a meaningful form of expression. Beautiful things in ugly place. The way time alters all things. These are the most common themes in current work.